Boys-What You Always Wanted To Know

Boys And Puberty
A lot of changes happen as you grow up, especially as you reach puberty (say: pyoo-bur-tee), the name for the time when your body begins to develop and change. Girls start developing breasts and get their periods- signs they are growing into women.

Essential Facts
It is quite normal for a boy to feel a strong urge to ejaculate. Masturbation is a way to release sexual energy by using hands to simulate the penis to reach an excited stage and ejaculate. Aboy may feel some trendness when the amount of sperm builds up or when he is aroused. this can be releived by masturbation. He does not suffer physically and mentally if he masturbes

Getting Muscles
Group work Exploring their concepts about growing up, sexuality and coming up with solutions.Our activies for girls like Workshop For School Girls & One Day Awareness Camp With Rural Girls

Your Changing Voice
Honk! Squeak! What the heck is that? A goose playing the trumpet? If you’re going through puberty (say: PYOO-bur-tee), it could be your voice. Both boys and girls experience voice changes as they grow older, but girls’ voices get only a little deeper. A boy’s voice, on the…